Accreditations & Memberships
European GPR Association
The European GPR Association (EuroGPR) is a body who are focused on raising standards within the GPR industry and looking out for the rights of members, giving them voice at a pan-European level on matters such as licensing, health and safety and market access. Their membership consists of instrument manufacturers, suppliers and end users. Geomatrix Earth Science Ltd Membership number is 20/351/2015/2.
The Hydrographic Society UK
The Hydrographic Society UK (THS UK) provides a forum for all those involved in activities related to hydrography and associated disciplines, both in the UK and overseas. The founding member of the umbrella group, the International Federation of Hydrographic Societies (IFHS), THS UK aims to raise awareness of the science of surveying at sea, and protect and promote the status of the profession. Geomatrix Earth Science Ltd is proud to support the society as a corporate member.
Ofcom regulates the exploitation of the electromagnetic spectrum in the UK to ensure users do not interfere with each other. It is a legal requirement in the UK for Ground Penetrating Radar users to hold an Ofcom licence, the licence needs to be renewed every three years. Geomatrix Earth Science Ofcom GPR Licence Number is 0329782/1.
Pay on Time
Geomatrix Earth Science ltd are avid supporters of the Pay on Time Scheme which drives companies to abide by simple payment procedures.
The European association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE) is multi-disciplinary providing support to Geosciences in the Oil and Gas industry as well as individuals working within the Near Surface. Although EAGE is a European based organisation its membership is global.
The Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (EEGS) promote the use of geophysical prospection for Environmental and Engineering applications, as well as encourage corroboration between commercial companies and research institutes across the Americas.
The Near Surface Geophysical Group (NSGG) is a Geological Society of London special interest group focusing on the application of geophysical methods for all shallow prospection.
The NSGG hold a numerous meetings per year which include student symposiums and field exhibitions whereby instrument suppliers and manufacturers can demonstrate the lasted systems.
The Institute for Archaeological Prospection (ISAP) is an international organisation who promote the development of geophysical methods with archaeology, and hold regular events show casing new developments in the field.