Quick Link Probes
from Mt SoprisA highly accurate acoustic televiewer for assessing borehole lithological formations and rock strength.
from Mt Sopris3-arm Caliper for recording a continuous profile of the borehole diameter
from Mt SoprisThe QL40-DEV Deviation Tool combines a 3-axis fluxgate magnetometer and accelerometer for precise measurement of borehole location, trajectory & orientation
from Mt SoprisA multi-point resistivity probe recording 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.6 meter normal resistivity, single point resistance (SPR), and self-potential (SP) measurements.
from Mt SoprisThe Fluid Temperature and Conductivity Probe is ideal for environmental and groundwater applications, essential for groundwater studies, geothermal logging,
from Mt SoprisThe QL40-FWS Full Waveform Sonic tool is a specialized ultrasonic device designed for use in the water, mining, and geotechnical industries.
Q40-GR Natural Gamma
from Mt SoprisTotal count gamma logs are used in many industries, including general lithology characterisation, clay-typing and depositional environment studies.
from Mt SoprisDual focused induction probe for measuring electrical conductivity of material surrounding a borehole pipe.
from Mt SoprisThe Magnetic Susceptibility borehole probe offers an extended measurement range making it ideal for mineral exploration & environmental applications,
from Mt SoprisOptical Televiewer with a high resolution CMOS digital image sensor combined with a fisheye lens for a continuous unwrapped digital image log.
from Mt SoprisSpinner Flow Meter for accurate measurement of hydrostratigraphic flow in production wells, aiding in flow profiling and transmissive zone identification.
from Mt SoprisA gamma probe which enables the full spectral data, nuclide concentrations along with the gamma counts to be collected from the lithostratigraphy.
from Mt SoprisA highly efficient and sensitive optical televiewer which enables the user to capture precise Ultra Violet and Visible light images of the strata.
from Mt SoprisA Large crystal spectral Gamma probe, which uses a 1 x 7 inch BGO, LBr or NAI crystal for greater accuracy, improving its counting statistics
from Mt SoprisDesigned for use in 2 to 12 inch boreholes, the QL40-DEN probe effectively records the dual density, caliper and long or short cps g/cc density measurements
from Mt SoprisUsing a Helium-3 thermal neutron detector, the QL40-NEU probe can precisely measure the porosity of formations surrounding a borehole.