from Mt Sopris

The QL40-FTC and QL40-FTC-C Fluid Temperature Conductivity probes provide precise borehole temperature and fluid conductivity measurements. The FTC-C is a bottom sub, while the FTC is an inline sub, and both can be run stand-alone or stacked with other QL tools for custom configurations.

QL40-FTC Schematic. Image courtesy of Mount Sopris Instruments.
QL40-FTC Schematic. Image courtesy of Mount Sopris Instruments.

The QL40-FTC and QL40-FTC-C probes can be calibrated in µS/cm or mS/m for conductivity and in °F or °C for temperature. Commonly stacked probes include the QL40-GR (Natural Gamma), QL40-RES (Multi-Point Resistivity), and QL40-CAL (3-Arm Caliper). Due to its design, the QL40-FTC probe is best placed at the bottom of a stack for improved measurement accuracy.

Basic water quality logs with these probes are invaluable in groundwater studies, geothermal gradient logging, salt-water intrusion research, and a variety of environmental projects.

Operating Conditions

W - Water √
M - Mud √
D- Dry √

S - Steel √
P - PVC Borehole √
UC- Uncased √

*Centralizers are not required


Contents Dimensions (L x W x H) Weight
Fluid temperature and conductivity probe
144cm x 40cm x 27cm 25kg

Data Sheet
