Geode Seismograph
from Geometrics

The Geode is the most versatile seismograph currently on the market for near surface geophysics and exploration. The proven design has stood the test of time to become one of the most widely distributed seismographs in the world; simply because it is ideal for refraction, reflection, MASW, MAM, downhole, VSP or tomography- and even marine surveys. And when you are not using the Geode for exploring, use it for monitoring earthquakes, quarry blasts or vibration from heavy equipment.


A large contributing factor to the success of the Geode is the systems modularity. It is possible to initially buy a simple 24 channel refraction system and keep adding additional hardware and software options as and when they are required, making the system very cost effective.

For light-duty applications, you can run the Geode from your laptop to view, record, and process your data. The software interfaces to the Geode as a simple high-speed network device, eliminating the need for special drivers and cards. For more demanding applications where ruggedness and reliability are key, use the Geode in combination with Geometrics StrataVisor NZXP series seismographs. Geode architecture and Geometrics software lets you build seismic recording systems from 3 to 1000 channels with multiple lines and built-in roll capability.

The low power Geode even have an on-board hardware correlator that can be used for swept sources and MiniSosie (pseudo-random) surveys, compressing data before transmission. The Geode seismic modules house from 3 to 24 channels each and interconnect using inexpensive digital network cable. The Geode will run all day on a small 12v battery and sleeps when not in use. And because getting the answer is key, Geometrics bundles the Geode with a suite of no-charge industry-standard professional software that expands you capabilities for commercial or research applications.


Contents Dimensions (L x W x H) Weight
Typical 24 channel refraction system.
71cm x 50cm x 40cm 45kg

Application Notes


Seismograph: Geode
Channel Number: 24-96
Sample Interval: 0.25ms
Record Length: 14-28Hz Vertical Geophones
Receivers: Linear spread with typically 5m receiver interval
Geometry: 14-28Hz Vertical Geophones
Trigger Signal: Contact Closure/Open
Source: Impact, sledge hammer (up to 25m depth of prospection), weight drop >25m prospection
Source Parameters: 4-6 stacks


Seismograph: Geode
Channel Number: 24-48
Sample Interval: 0.5ms
Record Length: 0.5-1s
Receivers: 2-4.5Hz Vertical Geophones
Geometry: Linear spread, typically 1-3m receiver interval

Trigger Signal: Contact Closure/Open
Source: Impact, sledge hammer (up to 25m depth of prospection) Source Parameters: 1-2 stacks


Geode Seismograph is automatically triggering


The trigger sensitivity bar has been set to maximum


If Seismodule controller has continual recording enabled then setting the trigger sensitivity bar to maximum will activate continuous recording. Set the sensitivity bar slightly under maximum. This can be difficult to achieve if the record length and trigger hold off time is very short <0.5s. Press the’1’ button on the keyboard to deactivate data acquisition before changing the trigger sensitivity.

Seismodule Controller Trigger Sensitivity Window
Is it possible to covert the recorded mV signal amplitude from a Geophone to acceleration (gal) with the Geode seismograph?

Yes it is.

Navigate to options in Pickwin and turn off the simple menu. This will enable a number of other processing tools.

First thing you will need to confirm the component assignment. In Pickwin navigate to Edit the Show/edit source/shot locations etc. In the Comp field define which channel is x,y,z or 1,2,3. In this instance we will be applying the same natural frequency, damping or sensitivity values for all components, so it doesn’t matter.

Next navigate to options/processing/Geophone sensitivity

SeisImager Geophone Sensitivity Correction Menu
SeisImager Geophone Sensitivity Correction Menu

Enter the following values. These can be found on the Geophone test certificate or can be taken from the geophone data sheet.

Geophone Sensitivity and Dampening values
Geophone Sensitivity and Dampening values

When you press OK you will see the traces change and the addition of a Gal at the end of the trace, notifying you the amplitudes have been concerted to acceleration. the values will appear unrealistically high. This is because SeisImager will not automatically read the seismograph DESCALING_FACTOR from the Seg2 file. Just open one of the Seg2 files in NotePad++ then search Descaling Factor. the figure should be something like 4.270400E-005. Once you have found it should be the same for all the files.

use the multiplication function in SeisImager to scale all the reading to Gal.

Why are channels 25-48 a mirror of channel 1-24 when using two Geode Seismographs?

The most common cause is of this problem is when the digital interface cable, connecting the the two Geodes to one another, has been incorrectly connected. If the digital interface cable is connected to the input and not output connector on the second Geode then this can result in the second set of channels 25-48 being a mirror of channels 1-24. Check the digital interface cable.