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New Release - Geomatrix is pleased to release the new and improved Marine Magnetometer Test Box!

24 January 2013

Geomatrix Earth Science is pleased to release the new and improved Marine Magnetometer Test Box for the G-881 and G-882 Marine Magnetometers. The new GP102 TowFish test box offers additional features including the ability to check the operation status of an altimeter. For more information please refer to G-882 Marine Magnetometer.

Recent additions to the rental pool

28 May 2012

We have added a 3.125m group interval, 24 channel MicroEel multichannel streamer with a Bubble pulser energy source from Falmouth Scientific to augment our marine geophysical capability. These two products when combined with a Geode seismograph make an excellent small vessel system, and bring the advantages on multi-channel processing into the realm of geotechnical engineering surveys.

Additionally, to add to our multi-channel EM conductivity capability we now have available a CMD Explorer from GF Instruments. The Explorer will record in-phase and quad phase readings from 3 receiver coils simultaneously thus reducing surveying time or adding additional depth layers to the data within the same surveying time.

New agency announcement

9 April 2012

We are pleased to announce that Geomatrix has been appointed as the exclusive UK distributor for ROV manufacturer Deep Ocean Engineering (DOE) of San Jose, California. DOE manufacture a range of inspection class ROV’s which have a wide range of applications including security, outfall/intake inspection, rig inspection, search, NDT inspection, marine archaeology, oceanography and fisheries research and more.

Major new sales agency announcement

24 January 2012

We are pleased to announce that Geomatrix Earth Science has been appointed the UK agents for prestigious New England based manufacturer Falmouth Scientific (FSI).

FSI manufactures a range of Oceanographic and monitoring instruments, including tide, wave and current meters, a portable side scan sonar system, sub-bottom profiling system and a solar powered AUV. We believe that the addition of FSI to our supplier portfolio is an excellent fit with our existing range of marine geophysical instruments from Geometrics and IRIS Instruments.