Geomatrix will be exhibiting at the Ocean Business exhibition, held in Southampton , 5th - 7th April. On display will be exciting new products from Geometrics including the GeoEel solid, a new low noise environmentally friendly digital seismic streamer, the Micro Eel a 24 channel analogue solid streamer designed for small boat operations, G-882 TVG, transverse magnetic gradiometer system built around the highly successful G-882 marine magnetometer product.
To cater for a growing demand from the mineral exploration industry we have invested in a state of the art 10 channel Induced Polarisation receiver, the Elrec Pro from IRIS Instruments, this is complemented by the purchase of an 8 dipole, 4 KW IP transmitter, VIP4000 and associated motor generator. Data sheets for the Elrec Pro and VIP 4000 can be downloaded from our rentals page or via the Electrical resistivity sub section.
Certificate of Conformance
12 May 2010
To assist you in complying with ever tighter quality assurance requirements from your clients, all Geomatrix rentals are now supplied with a Certificate of Conformance. For a fee we can also provide an expanded certificate which shows data gathered by the instrument being rented, either on purpose designed test instrumentation, matched to that instrument type, or on our testing ranges.
Downhole and Crosshole Tools added to our rental pool
2 February 2010
For use with standard exploration seismographs, we have added the following downhole seismic tools to our rental pool for uses in cross hole tomography, shear wave measurements and up-hole P wave travel time measurement.
Geometrics 24 channel DHA-7 hydrophone array
Geotomographie 7 component geophone tool (2 off)
Geotomographie P and S wave energy sources
Geomatrix at Oceanology
1 February 2010
Come and visit us on stand number C250 at the internationally prestigious Oceanology International exhibition in London 9-11 March 2010 Our display will include the G-882 transverse magnetic gradiometer, GeoEel digital streamer and innovative P cable system which allows 3D seismic surveys from small non-specialised vessels.