Geomatrix are running a 2-Day Crosshole Seismic course on the 21st February 2024 and the 22nd February 2024. The two day course will consist of a practical day held at our test site in Leighton Buzzard and a data analysis/processing day which will be held at a local venue. The main course aim is to help professionals in the civil engineering, geotechnical, environmental and geophysical sectors familiarise themselves with this equipment, learn more about the technique, the equipment that is currently available to use and determine how it can be applied to their project so that they can achieve their aims and objectives. The course will showcase the new S-Wave BIS-SV source (produced by Geotomographie GmbH) and will look over the Sh and Sv techniques, downhole seismic theory, field methods, data acquisition and processing. We will also showcase the Mount Sopris logging system with the Dev QL40 tool which is used to calculate the borehole deviation.
If you are interested, please contact us or visit our events page which will have more information soon.
Workbench 6.8
6 July 2023
Release summary:
AGS Workbench 6.8 and SPIA 3.8 are out now and available to download on MySeequent with a Seequent ID. With new tools, visualisation features, and licensing system, this release continues to streamline your EM, ERT, and IP workflows while allowing you to tailor every step from raw data to final geophysical models and present results confidently.
Workbench 6.8 updates
• New tools - View depth/elevation slices and GIS model themes in a customisable grid format. Use existing models as prior constraints in your inversion, and export 1D models to Leapfrog.
• Faster Views - Work faster with better synchronisation across channels, keyboard shortcuts, and important workflow navigation improvements.
• Simplified licensing - Easily administer licenses, assign them to others, and monitor usage with the Seequent ID licensing system.
SPIA 3.8 updates
• Geosoft interoperability – export to the Geosoft file format
• Simplified licensing - Easily administer licenses, assign them to others, and monitor usage with the Seequent ID licensing system.
Seequent Promotion - Res2Dinv 5.0 Subscription if you return your dongle
19 June 2023
Seequent are offering a 12 month free subscription of Res2Dinv 5.0 if you return your old Res2Dinv dongle.
In order to receive this offer you must first register your interest by filling out the online form, mail your dongle , create a sequent ID and download Res2DInv 5.0.
The new 5.0 features include:
. Faster workflows via the tab interface (one window data processing)
. Real- time editing from pseudosections and data profiles, easy data evaluation and model creation
. Easy access to the visualisation menu where you can choose and tune color scales.
. Consolidate grid model and inversion set up
By having the Rse2Dinv update you can improve the efficiency of your data processing whilst keeping your data on one server.
Geomatrix will be sending over a newsletter with some further information and a link to the Res2DInv 2.0 webinar soon.
The webinar will be held online on the 6th July @ 17:00pm London time and led by Dr. Kenni Dinesen Petersen (Seequent).
RadExPro - Land Reflection Seismic Data - New Tutorial!
20 March 2023
RadExPro have released a new tutorial, which carefully goes through how to process near surface land Seismic reflection (CDP) data effectively in RadExPro. They provide example input data (Onshore seismic profile data in SEG-Y format) which you can process alongside the step by step tutorial guide. The guide will go through the following steps:
Basic CDP data processing
Geometry input until stacking and time-to depth conversion (minimum processing graph) - focus on the SH-wave profile
The guide will also help you process the P-wave data (do not follow the Subtraction of left & right shot part of the tutorial as this is used for the excitation of the SH-waves perpendicular to the profile line)
You must be familiar with the CDP theory method and basic seismic processing (reflection)
RadExpro also provide the full project dataset (fully processed data) to refer back to.
The Tutorial Steps will be as follows:
Loading input data into the project
Geometry assignment and CDP binning
Subtraction of “left” and “right” shots (miss out this step for P-wave analysis)
Control of assigned geometry with the use of linked crossplots
Recently, Geomatrix Earth Science Ltd acquired a new borehole probe which we have now added to our rental pool. The probe is an acoustic borehole imager (also known as the acoustic televiewer), which is a new second generation quick link QL40ABI-2G probe, developed by Mount Sopris Instruments and BHTV technology. The QL40ABI-2G uses new re-designed sensor & electronics with a 96dB, 10msps A/D converter coupled to a 150mA DSP digital signal processor. This signal processor processes the data in real time for each individual ultrasonic wave, increasing the signal detection dynamic range and enhances its usability in the field.
As with most of the Mount Sopris borehole probes, the QL40ABI-2G is a Quick link tool which can be linked up with other Mount Sopris QL probes for multiple logging applications. The QL40ABI-2G is supplied as a QL bottom sub, however, the operator can use it as a stand alone tool (non-stackable) if required.
As you deploy this televiewer down your borehole, the instrument transmits ultrasonic pulses via its fixed transducer (a piezoelectric ceramic crystal) and rotating mirror at roughly 1.2MHz frequency. The generated wave propagates through the acoustic head and borehole fluid until it reaches the fluid/wall boundary and is reflected back. The acoustic televiewer measures/records the amplitude travel time and a digital image/ scan is captured of the borehole wall. There is also an option for multiple echo recording by recording the reflected acoustic wave and the use of further sophisticated algorithms to detect and classify specific echo’s.
Fig 1. Image shows the components of the QL40ABI-2G acoustic televiewer probe (left) and the digital image scans of a heavily fractured borehole wall. Image courteously provided by mount Sopris instruments.
. The acoustic televiewer has the latest firmware updates/ developments which allows the user to infer the thickness of the wall, in more adverse borehole conditions.
. Improved signal detection/dynamic range
. Increased travel time resolution
. Multiple operating modes, such as in PVC cased boreholes the instrument can record the echo of the PVC and the borehole wall, this can be extended to steel cased boreholes (i.e can derive casing thickness and evaluate rate of corrosion)