Latest News

New P-wave sparker tool for deep crosshole tomography

30 June 2021

Geotomographie are presently testing a new downhole seismic source designed to operate over a standard 4 conductor wire line cable to depths of up to 1000m. The SBS1000 MAGNUM is a 2000J wide bandwidth high frequncy (around 3kHz) P-wave sparker source for conducting crosshole tomography investigations. The high voltage impulse generator electronics have been miniaturised to fit within three cylindrical housing suitable for deployment within standard 100mm diameter engineering borehole. Proposed markets for this tool include mining, Carbon Capture and Storage and Geological Disposal Facilities. For further information please feel free to contact us.

SBS1000 MAGNUM. Image courtesy of Geotomographie
A borehole seismic tomography experiment was conducted at a halite mining site. The halite has been extracted from a deep saline layer by soluting the rock over decades. Subsidence was observed at the surface and a non-destructive method was requested to image the rock between existing boreholes. Borehole were multiple steel cased with low or no grouting between the different casings. The SBS1000 source was used to generate the
seismic signal and a 24-channel hydrophone string (2 m spacing) was used to acquire the data. These boreholes were doubled cased (one case within another). The high level of noise within the shot record indicates the bonding between the two cases was not optimal. Data courtesy of Geotomographie

Geomatrix Receive a PinPointR GPR

8 February 2021


We have just received an ImpluseRadar PinPointR system for demo and rentals. Please contact us to book your demo.

Geomatrix are appointed UK Agents for ImpulseRadar

31 January 2021

Geomatrix Earth Science Ltd are pleased to announce their appointment as the UK agents for ImpulseRadar and are excited to be promoting the PinPointR, CrossOver and Raptor range of real-time sampling Ground Penetrating Radar systems.


Minor Earthquake recorded in the local area (UK)

8 September 2020

Our CG6 Micro Gravity meters were able to capture the event that shook the local area around 9:45am this morning. Depicted as a sharp peak within our drift profiles the recorded high was around 5164mgal, a 9.5 mGal difference from the normal 5154.5 mGal average.

Fig.1. G9 Drift data showing the time of the earthquake
Fig.1. G9 Drift data showing the time of the earthquake
Fig.2. G10 Drift data showing the time of the earthquake
Fig.2. G10 Drift data showing the time of the earthquake

COVID-19 Update - Rental and Repair Services Remain Open

25 March 2020

In line with government guidance we continue to support customers by supplying geophysical equipment rental & repair services. 

The courier services we use are operating within normal capacity.

We are open for business with essential staff only and can ship and receive equipment within our normal capacity. We will facilitate collections and accept hand deliveries, but social distancing measures will be adhered to. 

Engineers are available for technical support calls and sales staff are all working from home with full access to our systems.  

In addition to the measures we implemented last week, we have also introduced the following; 

(Implemented as of the 24th of March)

  • We are asking customers to unload their vehicles and leave the equipment on the threshold of the loading bay and stand back to allow Geomatrix staff to handle the equipment.
  • We will wipe down all transit cases/Instrument handles & caches with alcohol wipes before it is permitted to enter the premises
  • All instrumentation will be handled with gloves
  • We are taking precautions to reduce the risk of virus transfer from instrument keypads and screens

We have sufficient equipment within the rental pool to accommodate these additional measures without causing a delay to our services.

If you have any questions, please get in touch by calling the office on  +44 (0)1525 383438 or email us at