At SAGEEP 2018 Geonics announced the release of a new range of metal detectors designed for UXO detection in channelling environments. The new Flex range of time domain EM sensors is tailored towards improving productivity through the deployment of multi receiver coil arrays. The Flex systems are targeted toward different survey scales;
The EM61-BLU26 consists of 4 0.5x0.5m receiver coils, in a linear array, and a flexible 2.25x0.45m transmitter coil. The system is modular and can be configured with 2 receiver coils and a 1.13x0.45m transmitter coil in constrained environments. The adoption of smaller receiver coils increases spatial resolution enhancing the detection of small shallow objects; whilst maintaining a large transmitter coil area ensures sufficient magnetic moment potential for resolving deeper objects.
The EM61-LX2 is a two channel variant supplied with the two 1mx0.5m receiver coils.
Both systems measure and record the decaying magnetic field on each receiver coil at two time gates. A third calculated value is also recorded for each channel, which has been subjected to a proprietary algorithm which removes the influence of magnetic soils and rock materials.
The EM63-Flex is specifically designed for efficient large open area surveying. The system consists of four 1mx0.5m receiver coils and one transmitter coil which encircles the receiver coils. Deploying an array like this is nothing new; customers have been deploying 3 time synchronised EM61MK2 for large area surveys for many years. However the EM63-Flex offers 26 time gates per channel and is capable of recording 15 full records per second offering much greater fidelity than was previously achievable.
To keep up to date with the latest developments of the Flex range and other geophysical equipment subscribe to our mailing list.
New Sales Agent Appointment
11 January 2018
Geomatrix Earth Science Ltd have been appointed the UK sales agent for Oceanic Imaging Consultants Inc. To mark this news we are offering a special show discount on all OIC software.
SAMM is a Stand Alone Mosaicking Module designed to run alongside existing manufacturers data acquisition programs to enhance survey capability by proving real-time mosaicking, georeferenced charts, satellite imagery overlays and geo-coded observation classification.
CleanSweep provides a powerful processing platform for hydrographic survey data management, processing and analysis. Multibeam, Side Scan, Forward Look and Interferometric datasets can all be processing in one work space.
GeoDAS is a comprehensive data acquisition package for conducting hydrographic surveys. Capable of interfacing with market leading hydrographic equipment GeoDAS offers a wide variety of real-time correction tools and cartographic functions.
Geometrics release a new Seismograph - the ATOM
18 December 2017
The ATOM introduces a new style of seismograph to the Geometrics Inc range. As a stand-a-lone seismograph each Acquisition Unit (AU) is a complete recording system providing total flexibility over the number of data acquisition channels.
Containing an internal battery, high accuracy GPS clock and 4 GB memory the ATOM can be deployed for up to 70 hours of continual data acquisition before recharge. For longer monitoring projects the addition of a small 5V solar panel permits data acquisition to be extended to up to 23 days with the 4GB standard internal memory; or 186 days with the optional 32GB extended memory.
No compromises have been made in terms of the performance of the system; offering up to 0.25ms sample rate the bandwidth of the system is 1.5kHz to 1650kHz with 128dB 24bit dynamic range.
Operating the instrument couldn’t be easier. Users turn the boxes on by shaking them. The box will automatically begin recording as soon as it achieves GPS lock. LEDs inform the operator of the battery status, network state, GPS time lock and geophone connection. Data is retrievable via WiFi and a laptop.
When combined with the semi-automatous SeisImager Passive Wave processing software the system is ideally suited for obtaining shear wave velocity measurements to depth up to 1km.
Compatible with any standard geophone the ATOM offers flexibility where many other similar systems don’t. A version of the ATOM with 3 measurement channels will soon hit the market; changing the face of how shallow 3 component data acquisition for geological engineering is conducted.
For further information about the ATOM seismograph please feel free to contact us through our enquiry form. Alternatively sign-up to our newsletter and we will keep you informed about all the latest instrument developments.
New IPG800 Downhole S-Wave source added to the rental pool
7 November 2017
Geomatrix have added a IPG800 downhole seismic source to the rental pool to support customers undertaking shallow cross hole seismic investigations. The IGP800 is a lightweight portable downhole source designed to operate the BIS-SH at up to depths of 60m. The BIS-SH is a horizontal source for S-wave generation, and also provides good P-wave generation. The addtion of the IPG800 allows supports our existing IPG5000 with 100m P-wave (sparker) and S-wave sources.
Capable of being powered from a 24V DC supply the IPG800 is easy to use and more portable than other borehole S-wave sources.
The FINDIT project picks up ‘Best Collaborative Work’ at the street Works UK Awards 2017.
20 October 2017
The FINDIT project looks towards developing new geophysical methods which can be used to guide the maintenance and development workflows of subsurface infrastructure.
The project combines the expertise from the University Birmingham, RSK, Geomatrix Earth Science and BT to identify methods for measuring common problems with underground asset; these include blockages, congestion and damage.