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New IPG800 Downhole S-Wave source added to the rental pool

7 November 2017

Geomatrix have added a IPG800 downhole seismic source to the rental pool to support customers undertaking shallow cross hole seismic investigations. The IGP800 is a lightweight portable downhole source designed to operate the BIS-SH at up to depths of 60m. The BIS-SH is a horizontal source for S-wave generation, and also provides good P-wave generation. The addtion of the IPG800 allows supports our existing IPG5000 with 100m P-wave (sparker) and S-wave sources.

Capable of being powered from a 24V DC supply the IPG800 is easy to use and more portable than other borehole S-wave sources.

IPG800 with Horizontal Shear wave source and remote.

The FINDIT project picks up ‘Best Collaborative Work’ at the street Works UK Awards 2017.

20 October 2017

The team at the newly constructed BT test site.
The team at the newly constructed BT test site.

The FINDIT project looks towards developing new geophysical methods which can be used to guide the maintenance and development workflows of subsurface infrastructure.

FINDIT: Not just mapping – measuring

The project combines the expertise from the University Birmingham, RSK, Geomatrix Earth Science and BT to identify methods for measuring common problems with underground asset; these include blockages, congestion and damage.

Syscal Monitoring Unit (SMU)

1 May 2017

The Syscal monitoring Unit is an automated system designed to allow the operator to remotely manage the recharging of the Syscal Pro transmitter and receiver batteries during a monitoring survey.

Syscal Monitoring Unit (SMU). picture courtesy of Iris Instruments.

The SMU connects the Rx and Tx batteries to an alternative source of power (solar panel, wind turbine, isolated charger, ethanol fuel cell) when the Syscal is not acquiring. During the acquisition, the external power supply is remotley disconnected from the Tx and Rx batteries to avoid any leak of current that would perturbate the measurements.

For further information click on the adjacent image.

New Syscal WiConnect

13 April 2017

The WiConnect device improves the User Interface of the Syscal and Elrec Resistivity and IP meters from Iris Instruments.

Syscal WiConnect installed on Syscal Pro.
Syscal WiConnect installed on Syscal Pro.

WiConnect connects directly to the Com Port interface on the top of the instrument allowing the operator to configure the instrument and monitor measurements in real-time via a simple web browser, on any device.

To accompany the WiConnect IRIS Instruments have released new versions of Prosys II, Electre Pro, Fieldview and Comsys Pro with wifi connectivity tools.

Desktop Shield for GT40

15 March 2017

The range of applications the GT-40 and GT-40S gamma ray spectrometer has been extended by the release of a desktop laboratory shield. The new shielding combines steel and lead materials to get maximum shielding efficiency and minimum weight.

GT40 Desktop shield.

With around 100 kg of mass can be located on a desk. In combination with multicomponents analysing method used in GT-40/GT-40S creates an alternative to big laboratory gamma spectrometers.